Friday, February 22, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Well, Brandon and I were approved for our home loan this week. While it's VERY exciting that we're finally on our way to buying a new house, we've come to the realization that we have no idea where we want to live! Right now we've pretty much narrowed it down to Snohomish or Federal Way, or possibly Carnation. The only reason we are even considering staying in Federal Way is because of our church family. We have both come to love the church and the people here and can't imagine leaving. However, every other reason points to Snohomish. Family, job locations, overall convenience...everything else would be easier if we moved back north. I guess we'll just have to keep praying about it and see what happens; I know that God has a plan for us, so maybe we should just wait until he lets us in on it. :)

On a different note, I took the kids outside to play this morning and was taking some video clips of them kicking the ball to each other. I managed to capture a classic ball-in-the-face moment:

Don't worry, though. Annabeth forgave him and they managed to have nice lunch together afterwards ;)

And, just because I think their sweet faces turned out so cute in these, here are a couple more:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A boy and his pup

We took Sadie outside for the first time today; up until now she has been too small to go out in the chilly weather. However, it's gorgeous outside today and the temperature has warmed a little so we thought we'd take her out. The kids had a lot of fun with her -- especially Ethan. He absolutely loves this little dog! Normally he is afraid of dogs, which was one of the reasons behind getting one of our own, but he adores Sadie! He's constantly telling me, "She's so cute, huh?" :) It's a lot of fun watching him hold and play with her, and his fear of dogs has gotten much better. I'm really happy that he loves her so much!

While we were outside all three of them went straight for the big dirt mound that, thanks to the rain, has been turned into the big wet dirt mound. Sadie loved the great outdoors and the kids loved the wet dirt...
And, after all of that everyone got a bath...including Sadie (which she hates!):