Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pictures Please??

I was wondering if everyone out there could go through their pictures for me???

I've decided to frame a picture of each of the kids with Brandon and I when they were babies. I was looking through mine and I don't have as much as I thought I did. I'm pretty happy with the pics of Brandon with each of the kids, but I could find very few of me. If everyone wouldn't mind looking through their pictures, I'd like Ethan and Annabeth to be as young as possible and I'd like them to be more candid than posed. Please, PLEASE send me what you've got of either Brandon or I! I'd appreciate it very much! :)

Also.... any pictures you have of me when I was pregnant would be helpful. Especially pictures of Brandon and I together.

Here are the pictures that I will most likely be using if no one has any others:

Annabeth --

Ethan --
And just because it's sweet, and one of my favorite pictures of them, I'll also be framing this one for both of them! :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm back!

Yes, yes...I know I've been neglectful of this blog lately. I just haven't been taking that many pictures lately! Even so, I'll show you what I've got just so nobody thinks I've abandoned the blog :)

Ethan's first fishing experience...didn't catch a fish though :(
They caught a grasshopper!

Being silly at lunchtime:

Can I just tell you how proud I am that my kids love veggies so much?!!

We set up a maze of tents in the backyard: