Now that Ethan can have "real" conversations it's quite interesting to listen to him talk and hear how he interprets the world around him. This afternoon we were going to meet up with Sheri to talk about an offer that was made on our condo (YAY!! We counter-offered...I'll let you know how it goes...) and I told Ethan we needed to get ready to go and why we were meeting her. He all of a sudden became obsessed with finding his new Spiderman socks. I was in a rushing around in a hurry trying to get us all out the door and he kept asking me if he could bring these socks. I kept saying, "No, they're dirty. They need to be washed. Just leave them here!" He kept searching and searching for the socks, continued asking me where they were and if he could bring them, and I kept saying NO. (On a side note: You may ask, "What's the big deal? Why not just let him bring the socks?" Well, my children have a habit of rounding up everything they can get their hands on to take with us on every trip we go on. One quick trip to the store and it looks like we've packed for a cross country road trip! So please forgive me if I finally had to draw the line at dirty socks...) Anyways, I keep telling him they need to be washed and he is getting more and more frantic as we get closer to leaving. Finally, as we're walking out the door, he says, "But Mommy! They'll have laundry at the new house!" It dawned on me that he was thinking we were moving right then! How sweet is that?? The only things he wanted to make sure we brought with us to our new house were Sadie and his Spiderman socks. Shouldn't we all live so simply?
Later on he randomly asked me, "Mommy? Can we kill the police officers that put Daddy in jail?" Ummm....what?? Where did that come from?? He's been obsessed with death lately, so the "kill" thing was disturbing, but not completely out of the blue. But where he got this whole idea of daddy being in jail, I'm at a loss. I think I'm going to have to re-evaluate his Disney movie collection...