Tuesday, July 27, 2010

E and A's First Hike

Yesterday Brandon called from work and said, "Let's go on a hike!" So we did. :) The trail we went on was perfect for the kids...beautiful, not too long, and easy enough for the kids. Even Sadie came along!
As you can see, Annabeth is in the lead. This girl RAN all the way up! When she'd get too far ahead, we'd call her back...so she'd run all the way back to us and then turn around and take off again! Where in the world does she get so much energy?!
Happy he finally found a hiking stick. :)
The waterfall at the end of the trail was so beautiful! It was fun to be able to get so close to it. The kids played in the creek for a while before we headed back home even though the water was pretty cold.
I was impressed. Sadie made it all the way up and back down the trail with no petering out. I fully expected to have to stick her in the backpack for a while, but she was a little trooper. :) Although, once we got back to the car she let her true feelings show...

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